Want to Be a Good Leader? Step 1: Know Thyself

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Written By Obaid Ur Rehman

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The ability to monitor yourself is one of the most important traits you can have as a Good Leader. Here’s how to improve your self-awareness.

  • The capacity to keep an eye on your own feelings and activities is known as self-awareness.
  • According to studies, persons with high levels of self-awareness make better leaders.
  • Setting limits and exercising self-control are just a couple of the numerous ways you may increase your self-awareness.
  • The goal of this essay is to help leaders become more self-aware.

What quality makes a leader the most valuable? Others could describe it as integrity. Some would argue that it serves as a strong motivation. But Sherrie Campbell, a psychologist and author who wrote Loving Yourself: The Mastery of Being Your Own Person, contends that the secret to effective leadership is self-awareness.

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What is self-awareness?

The capacity to keep an eye on your own feelings and activities is known as self-awareness. It reveals your qualities, including your triggers, motivators, and strengths and shortcomings. Self-awareness entails looking more closely at your feelings, the reasons behind them, and the potential outcomes of your emotions.

A beneficial talent to develop, especially as a leader, is self-awareness since it enables you to respond to circumstances or individuals who may otherwise irritate you more effectively. You are better able to process and move through your emotions and prevent unneeded conflict when you are conscious of your feelings and how you handle them. This will also enable you to lead by example for your group and increase their comfort level in contacting you with queries or worries. Even if you’re not where you want to be as a leader, the first step is to become self-aware and recognize the areas that need improvement.

How important is self-awareness in leadership and business?

Leaders without self-awareness risk coming off as haughty. How can you run a firm if you lack interpersonal skills or the ability to recognize when you are going too far?

Self-awareness is also necessary in other professional settings. Consider how important self-awareness is while addressing comments or presenting sales pitches; if you are unaware of how you will respond or do not have a mechanism to stop a bad reaction, you risk getting into problems.

Additionally useful for presentations is self-awareness. When giving presentations, speeches, or simply notes during a meeting, many people experience anxiety. Self-awareness is beneficial. If you frequently use filler words in speeches, rehearse your delivery and ask someone to applaud each time you use a term you want to avoid. Limit your movement by sitting at the same table as your customer or utilizing a platform if you have a tendency to sway or pace around when giving a presentation.

What are self-awareness skills?

Self-awareness is understanding how you will respond to others as well as your own feelings.

Campbell wrote in her book that self-awareness “keeps us anchored, sensitive, and focused.” “Grounded leaders may be effective and deliberate in sticking to their goals and being aware of people around them. Leaders who can manage their thoughts and feelings can assist people around them grow in self-awareness and achievement.

The following are some crucial self-awareness abilities:


Because of improved emotional intelligence, you will become more empathic as you develop your self-awareness skills.


You may escape a difficult circumstance by going for a walk or just taking a few deep breaths if you know how you would respond.


Your capacity for vulnerability will improve as a result of recognizing and even embracing your weaknesses, needs, and talents. This will enable you to build greater relationships at work. Success requires confidence to be maintained.


Being self-aware helps you to be more observant of the current moment, allowing you to respond to events as they arise as opposed to lingering on the past or making projections about the future.


Self-awareness will enable you to exhibit patience, especially in the midst of disagreement, even though your initial instinct could be to reprimand an employee for making a mistake or vent your frustrations on your team.


When you set aside your own emotions to encourage someone else, you can do this. Being self-aware and understanding that your coworkers are also people with similar challenges might help you be more understanding, even on a bad day.

Tips for becoming more self-aware

Although becoming more self-aware isn’t always simple, it may make you a better leader. These are ten suggestions for raising self-awareness.

Keep an open mind.

You might become more sensitive to other people’s feelings when you have control over your own emotional environment. You need to be interested in new individuals and what they have to give if you want to be a great leader. This demonstrates that you can work well with others and don’t always have to be the best. You will become a more inventive entrepreneur the more receptive you are to other people.

Be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses.

People that are self-aware are aware of their strengths and shortcomings and can operate from those positions. Knowing when to ask for help and when to tackle a crisis on your own requires awareness of this.

Stay focused.

Making relationships is a crucial aspect of leadership, but you can’t do that if you’re preoccupied. To increase your productivity, learn to concentrate for extended periods of time without becoming sidetracked by emails, social media, or other little distractions.

Set boundaries.

A leader must establish strict boundaries. Be kind to others, yet, when necessary, refuse. To preserve the integrity of your objectives and the effort you put into them, be serious about your job and your interests and establish clear limits.

Know your emotional triggers.

Self-aware people are able to recognize their feelings while they are occurring. Instead of suppressing or denying your feelings, work with them to completely digest them. prior to speaking with others.

Embrace your intuition.

People that are successful learn to follow their intuition when making decisions and accept the risks involved. Your instincts are driven by a desire to achieve and the theory of the fittest surviving. Learn to trust your instincts since they will tell you what to do next.

Practice self-discipline.

Effective leaders typically exhibit discipline in all facets of their lives. This quality gives them the steadfast concentration required for effective leadership.

Consider how your actions affect others.

We frequently behave without first thinking and simply consider our own wants. While self-awareness necessitates identifying your feelings, you also need to recognize how you deal with them and how your actions could affect people around you. You may get through challenging circumstances by being more thoughtful of others.

Apologize when necessary.

While mistakes may occur, self-awareness will help you determine when you need to apologise for your transgressions. Perhaps you yelled at your employees, or perhaps you’ve been hard to contact lately. The greatest method to get past whatever error you made is to apologise (sincerely) and then alter your behaviour.

Ask for feedback.

Although self-awareness is knowing oneself without the assistance of others, it nevertheless requires guts (and self-awareness) to request candid employee evaluation. This helps you become more objective by acknowledging your inherent prejudices toward oneself, which we all have.

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