18 Ways to Secure Your Devices from Hackers

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Written By Obaid Ur Rehman

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Cybersecurity is critical for businesses of all sizes. These 18 tips can help you secure your computers and mobile devices from malicious actors.

  • Hackers are criminals that illegally enter a network and its devices with the goal of stealing private data, such as credit card numbers or trade secrets.
  • By employing firewalls, antivirus software, and adhering to general computer usage best practices, you can safeguard your machines.
  • By turning off Bluetooth when not in use, being cautious about the Wi-Fi networks you connect to, and employing security programmed to enhance monitoring and protection, you can secure your mobile devices.

In the 1990s, as the World Wide Web expanded, it created new opportunities and sectors while also introducing new connection drawbacks. Email accounts started to get inundated with spam, and computer viruses wreaked havoc on company networks. Computer hacking, a new threat, expanded the definition of theft to include breaking into your computer, taking your personal information, coercing you into disclosing private information, and then using that information to steal and extort personal information, including business secrets, bank account information, and even people’s identities.

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What are computer hackers?

Hackers are those who get access to internet-connected devices like computers, tablets, and smartphones with the goal of stealing, altering, or deleting data.

Hackers typically get access to equipment with nefarious intent, much like other burglars do. (White hat hackers, who businesses engage to hack into their equipment and discover security problems that need to be patched, are an exception, though.) Hackers may try to steal, change, or destroy data from your devices, and they frequently accomplish this by installing malware (software used for harmful reasons), which you might not even be aware has installed. Before you become aware of a break-in, these thieves could gain access to your most important data.

Types of hacking

Here are some of the reasons computer hackers break into devices:

Financial crimes.

Everyone is familiar with the cliché about someone checking their credit card account and seeing transactions they didn’t make. Computer hackers frequently use these fraudulent transactions to steal your credit card numbers, checking account information, or other financial information.


Because hacking has its own subculture, some hackers could feel the need to vandalize certain websites in order to impress their peers. Does that seem absurd? Don’t make the error of not taking this reason seriously; according to Malwarebytes, it’s very typical.


This mashup names a kind of hacking that resembles vandalism. Some hackers could have political motivations for wanting to change or destroy specific websites.

Corporate espionage.

Hacking has just increased the accessibility of espionage for the average individual. Spying was practiced long before the internet era. A corporation may hack into the gadgets of other companies to steal their information and exploit it to create an unfair competitive edge since a large portion of the globe is always connected to the internet.

The main point is that hackers have a range of motives, from monetary gain to political objectives. Knowing these motives might help you foresee potential assaults on your small business.

How to secure your computer from hackers

The majority of businesses rely on the internet to check their finances, purchase and keep inventory, run marketing and PR efforts, communicate with consumers, participate in social media, and carry out other crucial operations—despite the presence of computer hackers. Yet even at huge organizations with advanced security safeguards, we frequently learn about significant computer intrusions.

Small companies are frequently targeted as well, particularly because they might not realize how risky cybercrime is and might not have the funds to invest in pricey protection measures. Use the following advice to safeguard your devices and sensitive data:

1.Use a firewall.

Firewalls are programmed that isolate your data from the outside world and are included with Windows and macOS. Firewalls shield your company’s network against unwanted access and notify you of any incursion attempts.

Activate the firewall before accessing the internet. Depending on your broadband router, which also includes a built-in firewall to safeguard your network, you may also buy a hardware firewall from businesses like Cisco, Sophos, or Fortinet. You can buy an extra business networking firewall if your company is bigger.

2.Install antivirus software.

Malware and computer viruses are pervasive. Computers are protected from malicious malware and unauthorized code by antivirus products like Bitdefender, Panda Free Antivirus, Malwarebytes, and Avast. Viruses can cause consequences that are obvious, such slowing down your computer or deleting important information, or they might be less obvious.

By identifying real-time threats and preserving your data, antivirus software is crucial to safeguarding your machine. Some cutting-edge antivirus solutions provide automated updates, further safeguarding your computer against the fresh threats that surface daily. Don’t forget to run your antivirus application after installing it. To keep your computer virus-free, run or programmed routine virus scans.

3.Install an anti-spyware package.

Spyware is a specific sort of software that covertly watches and gathers data from individuals or businesses. It tends to produce unwanted adverts or search results that are meant to send you to certain (sometimes dangerous) websites and is built to be difficult to detect and delete.

Some spyware logs each keystroke in order to acquire passwords and other sensitive financial data. Although anti-spyware focuses solely on this danger, it is frequently included in popular antivirus packages from companies like Webroot, McAfee, and Norton. Real-time security is provided by anti-spyware products, which examine all incoming data and thwart threats.

4.Use complex passwords.

The key to preventing network invasions is to use strong passwords. It is more difficult for a hacker to access your system the more secure your passwords are.

Longer and more complicated frequently equates too more secure. Use a password with at least eight characters, a mix of capital, lowercase, and computer symbols, and at least one number. Hackers have a variety of methods at their disposal to quickly crack short, simple passwords.

Never use known terms or phrases that stand in for birthdays or other personally identifiable information. Don’t use the same password twice. Consider utilizing a password manager like Dash Lane, Sticky Password, LastPass, or Password Boss if you have too many passwords to remember. Create a Strong Password, a Related Article.

5.Keep your OS, apps and browser up-to-date.

Install any new operating system updates immediately. Most updates come with security patches that stop hackers from accessing and using your data for their own purposes. Apps are no different. Web browsers of today are getting more and more intelligent, especially in terms of privacy and security. In addition to applying all fresh updates, remember to check your browser’s security settings. For instance, you may improve your online privacy by using your browser to stop websites from tracking your movements. Alternately, try one of these secure web browsers.

6.Ignore spam.

Be cautious when opening attachments or clicking links in emails from someone you don’t know. Spam inbox filters are becoming better at capturing the most obvious spam. However, more sophisticated phishing emails that impersonate your friends, colleagues, and reliable organizations (like your bank) have grown popular, so be alert for anything that seems or sounds fishy.

7.Back up your computer.

You should start backing up your hard disc right away if your company isn’t currently doing so. Having a backup of your data is essential in case hackers manage to get in and destroy your system.

Always make sure you can recover as fast as you can if you experience a data loss or incident. Start with the backup programmed included with Windows (File History) and macOS (Time Machine). These utilities can also be used effectively with enough capacity on an external backup hard disc.

8.Shut it down.

Many companies are constantly “all systems go,” especially those that run web servers. However, if you’re not running a sophisticated internet-based business, turn your computer off at night or for extended periods of time when you’re not using it. Shutting down your computer removes any connection a hacker may have made with your network and stops any potential harm from happening since leaving your computer on makes it more apparent and a target for hackers.

9.Use virtualization.

Not everyone needs to go this path, but if you do, be prepared to be inundated with malware and viruses if you visit dubious websites. While avoiding risky websites is the best approach to prevent browser-derived incursions, virtualization enables you to run your browser in a safer environment that bypasses your operating system, such as Parallels or VMware Fusion.

10.Secure your network.

Most routers do not ship with the greatest levels of security enabled. When configuring your network, access the router and enter a password using an encrypted, safe setup. This stops hackers from accessing your network and changing your settings.

11.Use two-factor authentication.

The first line of defence against computer hackers is a password, but adding another layer increases security. Many websites allow you to set two-factor authentication, which increases security by requiring you to provide a number code in addition to your password when logging in. This code is delivered to your phone or email address.

12.Use encryption.

Encryption can stop thieves from accessing any of your data even if they are able to access your network and files. You may encrypt any USB flash drive that holds sensitive information, encrypt your Windows or macOS hard drive using BitLocker (Windows) or File Vault (Mac), and utilize a VPN to secure online traffic. Only make purchases from secure websites; you can tell them apart right away by the “https” in the URL bar and the closed-padlock symbol. A Small Business Guide to Computer Encryption is a related article.

Key takeaway: By combining security technologies and best practices, you can prevent unwanted access to your network and computer systems.

How to secure your phone from hackers

You might need to take different security precautions for your mobile device than you would for a PC. To assist you safeguard your mobile devices from hackers, consider the following advice from Webroot:

13.Turn off Bluetooth.

Switch off Bluetooth when not in use. Maintaining your Bluetooth while not using it gives hackers another entry point.

14.Don’t use unsecured public Wi-Fi.

Password-free, widely used Wi-Fi networks have no security features. As such, they’re prime targets for computer hackers.

15.Get a security app.

Similar to how you should install a firewall, antivirus programmed, and anti-spyware package on your PC, install a security app on your phone. Avast, Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus, and Bitdefender are popular choices.

16.Use a better passcode.

0000 and 1234 are simple to remember, but they are also simple to guess. Instead, use a six-number passcode that is created at random.

17.Switch off autocomplete.

The autocomplete tool anticipates what you’re typing and fills in the blanks for the word, phrase, or other information. Although useful, this application essentially gives hackers access to your email address, mailing address, phone number, and other crucial information. Turn it off.

18.Clear your browsing history.

The history of your mobile web browser is also kept. In order to offer hackers as little information as possible to work with if they do hack into your phone, clear it frequently, including cookies and cached data.


Protecting mobile devices requires extra work, including activating specific functions when not in use and downloading security software.

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