15 Accounting Payment Terms and How to Work with Them

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Written By Obaid Ur Rehman

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Get your customers to pay their bills quickly by understanding these accounting payment terms and strategies.

  • Any small business owner should priorities getting payments in a timely manner.
  • You may prevent unpaid invoices, bad cash flow, and financial stress by setting up the right payment terms with your clients.
  • Understanding standard accounting payment phrases and techniques will improve your chances of getting paid on time.
  • Small company owners who wish to adopt improved accounting procedures to get paid on time should read this article.

Being paid on time is extremely important when you own a small business. It might result in late payments, poor cash flow, and unneeded stress for your organization if you don’t establish the proper payment terms with your clients.

Thankfully, there are easy actions you may take to upgrade your billing procedures. This post will examine 15 typical accounting payment terms and explain how to apply them to your company.

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What are payment terms?

The conditions of payment are what your consumers should expect when you give them an invoice. They inform your consumers about your preferred method of payment and the deadline for their payment.

The penalty for a missing or late payment may also be stated in the payment conditions on occasion. Setting up clear payment conditions can help your clients understand what to expect. The simpler these are, the simpler it will be for your clients to make on-time payments.

What do invoice payment terms include?

A fresh invoice you send to a client should have all the details they need to pay you properly and on time. Here is a list of the details you need to provide.

The invoice date: This is the day on which the invoice will be sent.

The due date: The invoice’s due date indicates when you should anticipate receiving payment; many invoices include conventional payment conditions like Net 14 or Net 30. (We define these concepts in more detail below.)

The invoice number: Your clients may keep track of all the bills you send them by using the invoice number.

How much the invoice is for: How much the consumer owes you should be made very clear on the invoice.

The currency you want to be paid in: You might wish to mention the currency you want to be paid in if you commonly work with overseas clients.

The payment methods you accept: There should be a list of accepted payment options on the invoice. You may, for instance, take ACH payments, internet payments, and credit cards.

Other payment terms: Any additional payment conditions the consumer needs to be aware of should be listed on your invoice. For instance, if you anticipate receiving an upfront deposit, you should add discounts for early payment.

Common payment terms

An invoice will often include an acronym for the payment conditions. The most typical terms for paying an invoice are listed below.


This stands for a credit for one full month’s worth of supplies.


The term “payment in advance” indicates that the entire amount must be paid before the products or services will be provided.


“Cash in advance” denotes that the entire amount must be paid in cash before the products or services will be provided.

Upon receipt:

The client must make payment as soon as they get the invoice.

Net 7:

In seven days, the balance is due.

Net 21:

In 21 days, the balance is due.

Net 30:

30 days are given for payment. Also occasionally seen are Net 60, Net 90, etc.


invoice must be paid for at the end of the month it was received.

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15th of the month after the date of the invoice must be used for payment.

2/10 Net 30:

Payment is required in 30 days, however if made in the first 10 days, the purchaser will save 2%.


“Cash on delivery” indicates that payment must be made in cash at the moment the products or services are delivered.


“Cash Next Delivery” signifies that the payment is due prior to the delivery of the following item. This type of payment arrangement is typically used for ongoing deliveries.


“Cash before shipping” signifies that the remaining amount must be paid before the goods is delivered to the client.

Clothes stands for “cash with order,” which indicates that before the items are created and transported, the buyer must pay the invoice in full.

Accumulation discount: This is a reduction offered for a sizable purchase.

Importance of payment terms

The cash flow of your small business is based on how soon your clients pay you. It will be simpler to estimate cash flow, take on new projects, and invest in new prospects if payment terms are clearly established.

Your company’s cash flow may suffer if you are overly lenient with payment terms or neglect to contact clients who have unpaid balances, which, according to a U.S. Bank research, accounts for 82% of small business failures.

How to use payment terms

Payment terms provide you the power to regulate how and when your clients pay you. These conditions establish the payment expectations up front, preventing any uncertainty afterwards.

Here are some pointers on how to make the most of payment terms:

Ask for upfront payment. You might wish to request payment in advance in some circumstances. Service providers that wish to ensure payment before they begin the task may find this to be a wise option.

Request a deposit. Consider requesting a deposit if requesting money up front is unfeasible. For bigger projects, for instance, asking for a 50% deposit is a smart choice.

Create monthly retainers. You can set up a monthly retainer for clients you deal with on a regular basis. This is a monthly payment that you both agree upon.

Set the invoice terms. You must choose the conditions of the invoice if you work for clients intermittently. For instance, you might specify payment terms that are as lengthy as Net 90 or configure the invoice terms to be payable upon receipt. Everything relies on what is practical for both you and your customer.

How to set up effective payment terms

You might need to establish more sensible payment conditions if you have trouble getting your customers to pay their bills on time. Here are seven suggestions for giving your clients better payment arrangements.

1. Use accounting software.

The first benefit of using accounting software is that it will make your finances and invoicing process simpler. With the correct accounting software, you can issue invoices more quickly and accurately.

Additionally, you’ll be able to simply reconcile your account, issue automated reminders for late payments, and track your pending payments. Additionally, using accounting software can guarantee that your financial records remain orderly and that you are ready for tax season.

2. Be upfront about your payment terms.

Make sure a potential client is aware of and in agreement with your payment conditions before you begin working with them. Give your client a verbal explanation of the conditions and give a written explanation in the contract you deliver. This can assist clear up any confusion regarding the amount clients owe you and the due date for payment.

3. Be polite.

Do you need a simple trick to persuade your customers to pay you more quickly? Be courteous when sending your clients invoices, and don’t forget to put “please” and “thank you” anywhere on the document.

According to a FreshBooks study, invoices with a “thank you” in the invoice terms get paid over 90% more quickly. Furthermore, 12% of those bills are paid within 14 days or less, while 45% of them are paid in seven days or less. The same outcome is obtained when “please” is used; these bills are paid 88% faster.

4. Offer a variety of payment methods.

Have you ever gone to a store to make a purchase only to find out that it only accepts cash payments? Consider your emotions when you came to this realization. Were you irritated and upset by the inconvenience?

If you just provide your consumers a few payment alternatives, that’s probably how they feel. Make it as simple as you can for them to pay you on time. Offer a range of payment options, including cryptocurrencies, online payments, ACH transfers, debit and credit cards, and online payments.

5. Set shorter payment terms.

Shortening the due date is one of the finest strategies to encourage clients to pay sooner. It may seem apparent, but most customers will accept an extended payment period from you.

Net 30 is regarded as the benchmark for payment due dates in several sectors. Although that is a reasonable amount of time, you should think about cutting it down to Net 21 or Net 14 if you have a customer that consistently misses your Net 30 due date.

6. Be flexible.

Although it goes without saying that you want your clients to pay you on time, you should keep in mind that occasionally you may be dealing with another firm that may be experiencing its own cash flow problems. Some companies simply cannot accept Net 14 or even Net 30 payment terms, and they will welcome more accommodating terms.

7. Offer a discount for early payment.

Consider providing your clients with a discount for paying in advance. For instance, you may provide Net 30 as your usual terms, but offer consumers a 2% discount if they pay their invoices within seven days.

Therefore, if you issue a $5,000 invoice to your client, they will save $100 by paying it off early. Numerous clients can profit from that as these savings accumulate over time.

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